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Detalji |
Šifra: |
0062010 |
Projekt: |
Uloga Toll-like receptora-2 i CD14 u mehanizmima urođene imunosti |
Područje: |
Biomedicinske znanosti |
skupina: |
Istraživanja humanih infektivnih bolesti |
istraživač: |
Dr.sc. Damir Muhvić |
Ustanova: |
Medicinski fakultet, Rijeka |
riječi: |
Toll-like receptor-2 (TLR2), CD14, peptidoglikanski monomer (PGM), muramil dipeptid (MDP), solubilni peptidoglikan (sPG), lipopolisaharid (LPS), anti-CD14 monoklonsko antitijelo, tvar 406, á-lanac IL-2 receptora (CD25), mitogenom aktivirane protein kinaze (MAP-kinaze) |
URL: |
http://www.medri.hr |
E-pošta: |
damirm@mamed.medri.hr |
Telefon: |
051-651151 |
Suradnici: |
bibliografija: |
http://bib.irb.hr/lista-radova?sif_proj=0062010 |
English |
Project Title: |
Area: |
Biomedical Sciences |
Peer review group: |
Human Infectious Diseases Research |
Institution: |
The Faculty of Medicine, Rijeka |
Keywords: |
Toll-like receptor-2 (TLR2), CD14, peptidoglycan monomer (PGM), muramyl dipeptide (MDP), soluble peptidoglycan (sPG), lipopolysaccharide (LPS), anti-CD14 monoclonal antibody, compound 406, alpha-chain of the IL-2R (CD25), mitogen activated protein-kinases (MAP-kinases) |
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