Unregistered user
Application instructions
Instructions for reviewers and evaluation groups

Filing scientific program and project applications consists of completing web forms and forms designed in the word processing program (Word), electronic “locking” of the forms and sending one signed and stamped version in Croatian language to the Ministry. The program coordinator or project leader (senior researcher) signs a statement obligating him/her to responsible completion of research and scientific morality.

Scientific program and project applications will undergo review process after the comparison of electronic forms and forms delivered by mail has been completed and each form assigned an entry number at the Ministry. In the next review period all program and project applications that will have been electronically locked and their printed versions sent via mail by Friday, March 10th 2006 (stamp on the envelope) will be taken under consideration.

Only complete applications will be considered for review process (all necessary forms and attachments for projects and programs delivered) under the condition that all necessary forms are properly signed and validated by stamp. The senior researchers and program coordinators will receive an e-mail notification informing them whether their applications will undergo the review process and, in case they do not, they will be given an explanation. Only autonomous project applications with fewer than three research associates will be exempted from this rule. They will not be declined automatically, but will be forwarded to the Evaluation groups that will be responsible for making decisions, based on the senior researcher’s explanation, whether the project application with fewer than three associates can be reviewed or not.

The Evaluation groups will appoint two or more project reviewers based on the program and project applications or will decide independently a certain project application should not undergo review process if they find it badly written, insufficient or unscientific. The senior researcher or program coordinator will receive electronic information on the beginning of the project application review or a negative report by the Evaluation group.

Based on two or more reviews of program and project applications, the Evaluation groups suggest to the competent Scientific Area Council a common assessment of application and the amount of financing. If the two reviews differ extremely in the assessment of the quality of programs and projects, the Evaluation group can appoint additional reviewers or accept the better-explained grade.

After finishing the review process the Evaluation groups will assess the program and project applications with one of the following grades: „approved and accepted for financing in full requested amount“, „ approved and accepted for financing in reduced amount with estimation of feasibility “ or „not accepted“.

The Scientific Area Councils will accept all recommendations and grades of the Evaluation groups or will suggest changes in the financing amount, research time, etc. or will not accept the recommendations of the Evaluation groups and will recommend the program and project applications undergo additional review (with detailed explanations on what to do). The Scientific Area Councils will give the Minister a proposal of the final list of positively or negatively reviewed programs and projects, as well as the suggested financing amounts and financing periods.

After assessing the programs and projects that are suggested for financing in the requested amount, the Minister will accept the best graded programs and projects on the list of positively graded programs and projects according to available funds of the Ministry in the calendar year.

If a program or project is positively graded and the Minister makes the decision to finance it, the head of the scientific institution and the senior researcher will receive a Work contract to carry out a scientific program or project. If the program or project is negatively graded the senior researcher will be sent a Decision on project application rejection with the copy of the reviews.

Autonomous scientific projects will be contracted individually for a period of three years and projects within scientific programs for a period of five years. Project and program duration can be shortened or prolonged by Minister’s decision. Accepted scientific projects will be financed in monthly payments according to state budget available funding.

The senior researchers or program coordinators submit reports on work and usage of granted funding to the Ministry for each year of research or when the Ministry makes individual requests for report submission. After the assessment of reports, the Ministry can introduce changes regarding duration conditions and research financing, on which it informs the senior researchers and program coordinators.